Over 25% of injuries across all industries result from slips, trips, and falls. Whether you are working from heights or on the ground, injuries from slips, trips, and falls are a threat. Although such injuries are common, they can be prevented through proper education and training.

The second topic of National Safety Month is Slips, Trips, and Falls. The National Safety Council seeks to educate individuals on the workplace risks related to slips, trips and falls. The likelihood of injuries and deaths related to slips, trips, and falls is increased due to overlapping factors. Such injuries become even more common with aging populations, therefore in order to #keepeachothersafe this topic must be addressed.
It is often most difficult to apply safety practices to our everyday habits. When walking through a job site people are rarely on the lookout for safety hazards. Everybody is either rushing to their next location, engaged in a conversation, or scrolling on their phones. We are often too preoccupied that we are oblivious to trip and fall hazards.
Slips, Trips, and Falls Training at CSG
CSG strives to have zero reported injuries at our job sites. We possess an unwavering commitment to preventing work incidents and slips, trips, and falls are no exception. The safety topic of Slips, Trips, and Falls is frequently revisited during our New Hire, Orientation, bi-weekly safety meetings, and weekly safety tailgates.

As an employer, it is critical to provide prevention training regarding slips, trips, and falls. Team members should all be aware of the commonality of slips, trips, and falls in their industry. The cleaning supplies and equipment in the janitorial industry can often create additional slipping hazards.
Preventing Slips
All CSG team members are trained to mitigate slip hazards when servicing properties. This includes wearing proper safety shoes at all job sites. Safety shoes have tread that provides balance and support on uneven and wet surfaces. Safety shoes also protect feet from sharp and falling objects.
Additionally, team members are required to utilize wet floor signs when appropriate. Although wet floor signs don't stop slips, they are bright indicators for pedestrians to stay alert.
For the safest outcome, CSG recommends that wet floor signs:
- Be put in place prior to floor or carpet cleaning operations.
-Placed at all entrances to an area to be wet cleaned.
-If cleaning stairs, remember to place signs at the top and bottom of the stairs.
-It is better to use too many signs than not enough.
-Only remove floor signs after the floor is dry.
Workplace Falls are 100% Preventable

In 2020, 805 workers died in falls, and 211,640 were injured enough to require days off of work. Workplace falls are commonly associated with working from heights or scaffolding. However, falls can occur at any height in any workplace therefore this safety topic must be addressed.
CSG team members are properly trained on workplace falls and how to prevent them. This training includes ladder safety, stairway safety, and alertness training. CSG trains team members to not use ladders over 6 feet Falls can happen when you least expect it so always stay alert of your surroundings.
As a provider of high-rise window washing, fall protection is at the forefront of our safety training. All CSG team members are thoroughly trained on how to use fall protection correctly before they are ready to clean high-rise buildings. Our training is aimed to prevent falls and set our team up for success.
Protect your Team
Preventing slips, trips, and falls is a team effort. It takes everyone to keep hallways clear and floors dry to prevent slips trips and falls. Take this week to remind your team about the common causes of slips, trips, and falls. Checking in with the safety culture of your team takes less than 5 minutes but can save a life.
The National Safety Council offers a wide range of resources and studies on the causes of slips, trips, and falls. Slip and fall hazards are present both at job sites and at home. Visit their site today to learn how you can protect yourself and your team during National Safety Month 2023.
We, at Contract Services Group, foster an uncompromising culture of safe workplace practices for our Team Members, our Business Partners, and their Customers through our commitment and implementation of best-in-class safety initiatives.
Visit our website today to learn more about our Commitment to Safety.
Stay connected with CSG throughout NSM via our Facebook Page, LinkedIn, and Instagram accounts. Join the CSG team to grow your career and feel appreciated for the work you do!
CSG is currently hiring throughout the entire state of California. We are looking to hire housekeepers, day porters, night janitors, window washers, and more! If you or someone you know is currently seeking employment, be sure to apply at csgcares.com/jobs.
About Contract Services Group, Inc. Contract Services Group, Inc. (CSG) specializes in providing superior, high quality, sustainable, and reliable commercial cleaning, window cleaning, and related services to a variety of industries throughout the Southwestern United States. CSG’s official online presence is located at http://www.csgcares.com.